Consider us as your captain; the reliable experienced and strong head always at your boats’ side and full of unconditional respect and care for the vessel, its passengers and for nature. We can bring you to the unequalled thrill of discovering 70% of the Earth’s surface and still prioritise your and the boat’s safety.
CAPE-10 is your nautical expert partner; we will accompany you throughout your boating dreams. Our goal and mission is your undisturbed pleasure and satisfaction from your boating experience.
We specialise on the Asian boating scene where our teams are able to provide superior services for choosing and purchasing boats as well as for managing, operating and maintaining them.
Since we started operations in 2009 we pride ourselves with a few awards, recognitions and podiums but mainly with hundreds of happy clients, boat owners or boat lovers. These private or corporate references can testify of our impeccable track record of satisfying deliveries, services and operations.
We operate from our base in the Olympic Marina in Qingdao, China, and with a network of part-time experts, partners and consultants in a number of Chinese coastal spots.
CAPE-10 is the exclusive, official and authorised distributor of BENETEAU Power Boats, BENETEAU Sailing Boats and LAGOON Catamarans in Shandong province and neighbouring cities and the official authorised distributor of MONTE CARLO YACHTS in Shandong province and neighbouring cities. We are also official broker of CNB yachts and superyachts.
CAPE-10 is also an Accredited Service partner for RAYMARINE, ONAN, DOMETIC, CRUISAIR products and reseller of a number of boating products, parts and equipments.
Download CAPE-10’s introduction brochure or contact us for more information.
On boats as much as in our business, the most important thing is a good team. We believe that a sound and strong team spirit enables team members to fully realise their personal empowerment and enables achievements beyond the expected, for your benefit.
Our skippers and crews have some of the most extensive pleasure boating navigation experience on the Chinese coasts and seas, we have delivered, chartered and skipped vessels from 40 to 110ft from Dalian in the North to Sanya in the South and in neighbouring seas and countries. Our sailing and technical experts are called upon for events or boat preparations and/or reparations in the region, from fleet management at the Hainan Rendez-Vous to organising partner in the Qingdao International Mayor Cup regatta.
Our team consist of highly motivated Asian and foreign professionals ready to serve you.
Luxury Yachts
Yachting services
For more information
(0)532 6656 0212
Technical hotline
400 696 82 96